Need help to find the methodology that works for you?

This decision support tool assists you in identifying a methodology suitable for your teaching concept from the action-based learning methodologies worked on in the project. When answering the questions in the tool, we ask you to think of a specific teaching event. This can be a complete course, but also individual sessions. You can use the tool again and again for imaginable teaching scenarios with different approaches.

The questions target the specific characteristics of the methodologies. As a result, you will receive a short description of the methodology to which your answers match best. On this basis, you can delve deeper into the methodology, e.g. by working with the corresponding toolbox.

For improved readability, please enlarge your screen view, the text of the tool will be scaled accordingly.

You can access the suggested methodology via the menu. Feel free to also have a look at the other methododologies described in the respective toolboxes.

eSTEM, toolboxes for SuperFast learning digital contents development in STEM

ERASMUS+ KA226, Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness. Project number: 2020-1-IT02-KA226-HE-095144, duration: 2 years. Lead by University of Pisa

eSTEM, toolboxes for SuperFast learning digital contents development in STEM

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