
How was eSTEM financed?

If you ever asked yourself, which institution does finance our project aimed at improving teachers’ skills to develop high-level digital training contents, you will be

eSTEM: a brief introduction to the project

Even before the outbreak of the Covid19 emergency, the shifting from an industry-based society to a knowledge-based society had already started radically changing the training

How was eSTEM financed?

If you ever asked yourself, which institution does finance our project aimed at improving teachers’ skills to develop high-level digital training contents, you will be

eSTEM: a brief introduction to the project

Even before the outbreak of the Covid19 emergency, the shifting from an industry-based society to a knowledge-based society had already started radically changing the training

eSTEM, toolboxes for SuperFast learning digital contents development in STEM

ERASMUS+ KA226, Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness. Project number: 2020-1-IT02-KA226-HE-095144, duration: 2 years. Lead by University of Pisa

eSTEM, toolboxes for SuperFast learning digital contents development in STEM

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